Develop Pre-K the Indiana Way
Oct 20, 2014 Gov. Mike Pence

Earlier this year our state made history by approving the first state-funded, pre-kindergarten grant program for low-income families in Indiana. The General Assembly enacted bipartisan legislation to launch a five-county pilot the Indiana way, with $10 million in state funds combined with matching funds from each county. Along with local partners around the state, my administration is hard at work completing the design of the pilot and is on track to start serving thousands of vulnerable children early next year.

Our administration recently decided not to seek federal funding that would have required us to expand our pre-K pilot before it is even up and running. It’s important to note that many early learning programs across the country have not been successful over the years. On behalf of the children the pilot is designed to serve, it is imperative that Indiana get this right. Indiana’s program is based on parental choice and includes the flexibility and accountability needed to ensure children are in programs that get real results.

It is important not to allow the lure of federal grant dollars to define our state’s mission and programs. More federal dollars do not necessarily equal success, especially when those dollars come with requirements and conditions that will not help—and may even hinder—running a successful program of our own making.

An important part of our pre-K pilot is the requirement that we study the program so we understand what works and what doesn’t. I do not believe it is wise policy to expand our pre-K pilot before we have a chance to study and learn from the program.

While accepting federal grant dollars can at times be justified to advance our state's objectives, when it comes to early childhood education, I believe Indiana must develop our own pre-K program without federal intrusion.

Our pilot program will give Hoosiers the opportunity to assist some of our most vulnerable children while we examine the merits of quality pre-K education. Generous, thoughtful and careful development of new policies for our most disadvantaged kids is the Indiana way.